Watch Movies With Us

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What else do I need on movie night?


Netflix / Amazon Prime.

All our movie club selections are available to watch on either Netflix or Amazon Prime in the UK – if you have a subscription to these services it won’t cost you any extra! If you don’t have a subscription, you can often rent the movies from Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Now TV or wherever you usually rent your films.

YouTube Live Intro.

We host a live stream on our YouTube channel before the film to discuss what we’re watching and any key themes or information about the film. This is a chance to welcome any newcomers and get everyone together for a quick chat before we all press play.

Discord Live Chat.

We have Community page for Travelling Symphony on Discord - a private channel for text-based message threads. On movie nights, look out for the #live-chat thread, which we use to chat and share interesting Film Facts. Discord works on mobile or desktop and you don’t have to provide a mobile number to join. We also share announcements and useful links and information on there too.

Join our Discord community here.


“It’s very savvy to be on Discord because it was originally created for online gamers!!”

— Auntie Cheryl , who joined the TS movie club with Uncle Malcolm to see their niece (and TS co-founder) Katie on screen each week during lockdown . They have since become regulars and are big fans of the post-movie quiz.


Find out what movie nights we’ve got coming up. Don’t see anything you fancy? Recommend a film to watch.